International Volunteer Day 2024
- Volunteer

By Scott Lundell
Today we celebrate volunteerism. December 5 is International Volunteer Day, and we would like to thank the contributions of thousands of Edmontonians who give their time for the benefit of others.
Volunteerism is evolving. As the landscape around us and issues that impact us continue to shift, volunteers have been adapting to create solutions that create meaningful change in our community.
What’s exciting is that volunteers bring the flexibility to address societal issues in new and innovative ways. When given the opportunity to create solutions, many of our best ideas come from volunteers. For example, historically, inventors weren’t always paid to invent. How many great ideas were first drawn on a napkin at the local establishment or thought of while working on another project?
Kindness and generosity of volunteers should not be undervalued. If you are looking for help with something, it always means so much more when a volunteer provides it. Volunteers choose to help our community, not for monetary compensation but because they genuinely want to make a difference.
When advocating on a particular issue, volunteer voices carry more weight. The message is far more powerful when the person says it isn’t being paid to do so. Therefore, volunteers can be more influential when discussing topics with decision-makers.
Volunteerism brings value to our community. Our communities would suffer greatly if we stopped caring about each other. This is ultimately the root of why we celebrate today. We honour those who make our community an amazing place to live.
Thank you to everyone who ever raised their hand to do some good in the world. Our community is better because of you.
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