
Member Benefits

ECVO members help guide the Chamber’s direction and civic activities. Your voice is crucial, whether you’re voting on new Board of Directors members, participating in surveys and discussions, or supporting our advocacy efforts. Your involvement significantly influences how ECVO leads the sector with its programs and advocacy.

ECVO members automatically receive member pricing on dozens of ECVO courses and events hosted each year.

Join one of our six Communities of Practice! Share knowledge and learnings to improve the day-to-day work of your organization by attending one of our COPs. Areas include advocacy and government relations, human resources, volunteerism, social change, and capacity building for grassroots organizations.

ECVO members are invited to ECVO member coffees and mixers.

ECVO’s Shared Services provides project-based or ongoing to members that enhances organizational capacity. Available services include administrative support, bookkeeping, communications, governance, and human resources. Members receive a special rate.

Members enjoy:

  • Free job postings – 5 for members and 10 for Sustaining Members
  • Free employment related resources and articles
  • Discounted rates for job posting above the allotted free postings number
  • Reduced rates for Jobline feature posting – top of job list and social media promotion

Access to pro bono to retired and semi-retired nonprofit industry leaders who offer guidance and assistance on a variety of subjects.

The Family Centre has partnered with ECVO to offer members the following services at a reduced cost:

  • Employee counselling services
  • CIR (crisis intervention response) services
  • EAP (employee assistance program) services at a reduced cost

When contacting The Family Centre, just mention you are an ECVO member!

ECVO members receive discounted rates to host events in the ECVO Training Room. With room to comfortably host a roundtable of 40+ or an audience of 65+, you can easily book the Training Room for a half-day or a full-day event. The room comes with various supplies and amenities to help your event run smoothly, with ample free parking.

ECVO members have access to Imagine Canada’s Grant Connect, a comprehensive data base of up-to-date information on all Canadian grantmakers.

ECVO members have access to Alberta Counsel’s grantwriting services at a 1% fee.

Members help shape the advocacy messaging that ECVO delivers to decision-makers and elected officials on important issues in the nonprofit sector.

Become a Sustaining Member

Sustaining Memberships directly impact ECVO’s sector-level initiatives that amplify the collective voice of the sector and boost awareness of important issues at the regional, provincial, and national levels.

Get in touch to learn more about how your Sustaining Membership can support the sector.

Become a member today!