
Be a Volunteer Consultant!

ACSN Volunteer Consultant Online Application Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer consultant for the Alberta Community Support Network! We would not be able to provide these services without our dedicated volunteers. If you have professional expertise that can help strengthen the nonprofit sector, please fill out an application.

This position requires an individual who is committed to supporting the work of charities and nonprofit organizations. As a volunteer consultant, you must be comfortable working with ambiguity, be able to improvise and have a keen ability to adapt to changing conditions. ACSN requires volunteers to work on a maximum of three projects per year, with each project taking approximately 15 – 20 hours.

Skills Required 

  • Expertise in one or more of the service areas identified by ACSN such as financial planning, governance, human resources and more.
  • Previous significant experience volunteering in the charitable and nonprofit sector
  • Perceptive listener and observer. Ability to ask questions and make suggestions in a respectful manner
  • Skilled communicator, can build trust and respect with staff and nonprofit boards and organizations working with ACSN
  • Deadline oriented. Must respond to ACSN inquiries in a timely manner
  • Willingness to draw upon your own connections and professional networks in the interest of our work and the needs of the client organization

View a sample of the ACSN Memorandum of Understanding signed between all volunteer consultants and organizations.