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A Round of Thanks for #yegvolunteers!

We’re delving into a unique element of volunteering on our blog each day during National Volunteer Week. From reflections on wellness to explorations of new trends, check back each day for a different take on how volunteering continues to make the world go round. Today’s Part 5 wraps up the series. Click to read Part 1, Part …

Volunteer Creativity From the Comfort of Your Own Home

We’re delving into a unique element of volunteering on our blog each day during National Volunteer Week. From reflections on wellness to explorations of new trends, check back each day for a different take on how volunteering continues to make the world go round. Today’s post is Part 4. Click to read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. …

Volunteering & the Giving Mindset – It’s All Around Us!

We’re delving into a unique element of volunteering on our blog each day during National Volunteer Week. From reflections on wellness to explorations of new trends, check back each day for a different take on how volunteering continues to make the world go round. Today’s post is Part 3. Click to read Part 1 and Part 2. Let’s …

Four Ways Volunteering Can Make a Happier, Healthier You

We’re delving into a unique element of volunteering on our blog each day during National Volunteer Week. From reflections on wellness to explorations of new trends, check back each day for a different take on how volunteering continues to make the world go round. Today’s post is Part 2. Click to read Part 1 and Part 3. It’s …

Six Easy Ways to Celebrate National Volunteer Week!

We’re delving into a unique element of volunteering on our blog each day during National Volunteer Week. From reflections on wellness to explorations of new trends, check back each day for a different take on how volunteering continues to make the world go round. Today’s post is Part 1. Click to read Part 2 and Part 3. Welcome …