I volunteer as a local steward with the Edmonton and Area Land Trust. I monitor boundaries, fix fences and maintain the hiking trails at the
I volunteer as a local steward with the Edmonton and Area Land Trust. I monitor boundaries, fix fences and maintain the hiking trails at the
I volunteer for the Edmonton Chinese Bilingual Education Association (ECBEA) at their various events throughout the year, including the Chinese New Year Celebration and the
I volunteer in a youth worship band program. I volunteer because it is a way for me to give back to the community that has
I’ve volunteered with the Canadian Cancer Society for Daffodil Days and helped in some multicultural events in Edmonton. I am currently volunteering at an elementary
I volunteer in a number of different ways, but right now, I’m putting a lot of work into Global Fusion. There are givers and takers
I volunteer wherever I can – it’s the best way to spread kindness and love. All of us are busy, but when you volunteer and
I spend a lot of time volunteering with the local Laos community. I want to reconnect with my roots and associated culture. I wasn’t overly
I’m a volunteer with the Global Fusion team! I do it for a number of reasons, but mainly because I want to be a writer!
I am volunteering with Global Fusion. I’m really drawn to it because of our focus on youth showcasing their culture. As young people become more