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Where Can I Volunteer?

This week is National Volunteer Week, an annual celebration of all things volunteers. We’ve been giving you the tips you need to start volunteering. From the benefits, how to start and what kind of roles there are out there. We hope you feel confident enough to start seeking volunteer opportunities and now you’re probably wondering, …

Calling all ECVO members to the 2018 Annual General Meeting

We invite Edmonton’s non-profit and charitable community to join us for ECVO’s Annual General Meeting and discussions on the past and future of our non-profit landscape. Agenda 2:30 pm – AGM Business Meeting 3:00 pm – Guest speakers Graham Thomson & Brookes Merritt share their perspectives on Alberta’s political landscape 4:00 pm – Networking Reception Speakers Graham Thomson  writes on …

How Can I Volunteer?

Every weekday during National Volunteer Week, we’ll post an article about a different aspect of volunteering in Edmonton. Yesterday, we looked at why volunteering is one of the best things you can do. We encourage you to join the conversations on Twitter by following @EdmCVO and by using the hashtags #yegvolunteers and #NVW2018! The biggest question we get here at the ECVO is …

Why Volunteer?

Every weekday during National Volunteer Week, we’ll post an article about a different aspect of volunteering in Edmonton. We encourage you to join the conversations on Twitter by following @EdmCVO and by using the hashtags #yegvolunteers and #NVW2018! Volunteering—most of us know what that word means: giving your time, talent and effort to a cause …

Recognition Reflection: Recapping Our Last Think Tank Conversation

Think Tank Conversations is a bi-monthly meetup of those who manage, coordinate and engage volunteers in Edmonton. The space we’ve created is one of discussion, networking and working through the trends, challenges and success volunteer coordinators face in their roles. Our March session was prep for National Volunteer Week (April 15-21 2018). As always, Think …

Partnership Brokers Training, Level 2

Advanced Skills in Partnership Brokering Designed to build further confidence and competence in managing partnership brokering interventions. This 5-day course takes Partnership Brokers Training to the next level. It is designed to build further confidence and competence in managing a range of partnership brokering interventions to promote really effective and potentially transformational partnering. Such interventions …

Little Pieces & Big Connections: What EMCN Learned from Becoming a Sustainability Champion

How can organizations work towards fulfilling their mission while also serving as role models of sustainability? The Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers (EMCN) is among the many organizations that face this challenging tug-of-war in the face of limited time, funding, and capacity. To give them a boost, the EMCN attended The Natural Step’s NGO Sustainability …

Early bird pricing available for Fail Safe 2018!

At Fail Safe 2018, leaders from Edmonton and abroad are gathering for conversations about failure, how it manifests, and how to wield it for good. Failure is positive. It’s essential for building capacity and spurring experimentation and iterative growth in non-profits, governments, and private organizations alike. Too often failure is viewed as taboo, something to run …

The Recruitment Grind: Recapping Our Latest Think Tank Conversation

by Sharon Mvundura Think Tank Conversations are a bi-monthly meetup of those who manage, coordinate and engage volunteers in Edmonton. The space we have created is one of discussion, networking and working through the trends, challenges and success volunteer coordinators face in their roles. We kicked off 2018 with a January discussion on Volunteer Recruitment …