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Call for Speakers & Panelists: Fail Safe 2018

Note: this iteration of Fail Safe has been postponed to Fall 2018. Stay tuned for more information!

What can your experiences tell the non-profit community about overcoming failure?

At Fail Safe 2018, we’re connecting leaders from non-profits, businesses, and the public sector for open and honest discussions about embracing and overcoming failure. Fail Safe 2018 has two basic themes:

  • exploring the psychology of failure and how it manifests in organizations
  • how failure is linked to innovation, growth, and capacity building

Several opportunities are available to lead conversations on topics related to these themes, including keynotes, panel discussions, and short PechaKucha-style presentations at the opening reception.

This conference will be a safe space for leaders to share their stories and perspectives. Speakers will have opportunities to work with Ashley Good, CEO & Founder of Fail Forward to create thoughtful and inspiring presentations that emphasize the opportunities for growth and innovation in their stories of failure.

Interested in speaking at Fail Safe? Submit a proposal, detailing your topic, background, and the type of presentation (keynote, panel discussion, short Pecha Kucha presentation) to by Friday, February 2, 2018.


Failure is positive. It’s essential for building capacity and spurring experimentation and iterative growth in non-profits, governments, and private organizations alike. Fail Safe is a conference that creates safe and supportive spaces to discuss various aspects of failure—how it happens, how to learn from it, and how to use it to create success for your organization.


Delegates will be welcomed at a fun and casual Thursday evening reception, featuring PechaKucha-style short presentations delivered by delegates sharing their own stories of adversity. Friday features two informative keynote presentations and various breakout sessions in non-traditional formats, with opportunities to network and share insight throughout. For more information on the PechaKucha presenting style, visit


Delegates will leave Fail Safe informed about how failure can manifest in organizations and confident in utilizing failure for good. At Fail Safe, participants will learn how to become comfortable with the uncomfortable, to embrace and overcome failure, and to build strategic and resilient organizations.