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An Interview: Why Partnership Brokering Matters

Guest post by: Jocelyn Daw With Partnership Brokers Training Course right around the corner, who better to advocate for it than past participants. So JS Daw & Associates took a (virtual) trip across the pond and interviewed two graduates of the Partnership Brokers Training Course who are presently working in London, UK. Scroll down to …

Please get a licence, City of Edmonton tells nonprofits

Most nonprofits are unaware that City of Edmonton Bylaw 13138, as amended on February 1, 2016, requires any organization providing goods or services in Edmonton to have a business licence.  And yes, this includes nonprofits and charities! “Nonprofit organizations do require a licence to operate within the city of Edmonton limits,” explains Nonnie Jackson, Licensing and Policy …

Policies are policies, are policies (or are they?)

Not all policies are created equal. The rules we live, work, and play under impact our behaviours and our organization’s state of health. When I talk about policy manuals and policy writing, I almost always return to my training in appreciative inquiry (AI). One of the guiding beliefs in appreciative inquiry is that organizations move …

Building Successful Partnerships

There is a growing demand worldwide from all sectors for greater competence in scoping and managing the partnering process, especially as many of the partnerships we are seeing evolve are non-traditional, cross sector collaborations. Many of these partnerships are as a result of complex societal issues that cannot be tackled by one agency or sector …

Five reasons why you want to attend Partnership Brokers Level 1 Training

It can be said that partnering creates a whole that is significantly greater than the sum of the individual parts, and in the process builds greater value than any one partner could achieve on their own. In fact, the world’s most game-changing corporations, such as Apple, Warner Bros., Ebay, Yahoo, and Twitter were created out …