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Five Resources to Guide Your Way to Becoming a Tech-Savvy Non-Profit

In full transparency, I’m writing this post from the floor of my home office in – you guessed it – loungewear. Sure, I have a room dedicated to work, a desk with a pretty pen holder, and a chair borrowed from my kitchen table. But it’s far from the setup I’m accustomed to at ECVO …

A Round of Thanks for #yegvolunteers!

We’re delving into a unique element of volunteering on our blog each day during National Volunteer Week. From reflections on wellness to explorations of new trends, check back each day for a different take on how volunteering continues to make the world go round. Today’s Part 5 wraps up the series. Click to read Part 1, Part …

Volunteer Creativity From the Comfort of Your Own Home

We’re delving into a unique element of volunteering on our blog each day during National Volunteer Week. From reflections on wellness to explorations of new trends, check back each day for a different take on how volunteering continues to make the world go round. Today’s post is Part 4. Click to read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. …

Volunteering & the Giving Mindset – It’s All Around Us!

We’re delving into a unique element of volunteering on our blog each day during National Volunteer Week. From reflections on wellness to explorations of new trends, check back each day for a different take on how volunteering continues to make the world go round. Today’s post is Part 3. Click to read Part 1 and Part 2. Let’s …

Four Ways Volunteering Can Make a Happier, Healthier You

We’re delving into a unique element of volunteering on our blog each day during National Volunteer Week. From reflections on wellness to explorations of new trends, check back each day for a different take on how volunteering continues to make the world go round. Today’s post is Part 2. Click to read Part 1 and Part 3. It’s …

Six Easy Ways to Celebrate National Volunteer Week!

We’re delving into a unique element of volunteering on our blog each day during National Volunteer Week. From reflections on wellness to explorations of new trends, check back each day for a different take on how volunteering continues to make the world go round. Today’s post is Part 1. Click to read Part 2 and Part 3. Welcome …

Guest Post: Can a non-profit board ignore its policies during social distancing? A deep dive

The Question: Can a board ignore its policies and bylaws around meeting in person during social distancing? The Short Answer: The board must still follow its bylaws and policies to the extent possible without breaching provincial and city orders under various statutes. However, in the majority of circumstances, a board may need to temporarily modify …

inVESting in Volunteerism

Volunteerism is the foundation supporting your home. It’s largely hidden, yet rock-solid and dependable, and essential to propping up the spaces and situations in which you, your family, and your community connect and thrive. Every Edmontonian has been touched by volunteerism in some way. Volunteers are behind the events and festivals we attend, the food …

What we heard from our members in the 2019 Member Exchange

Thank you to the member organizations that recently participated in the 2019 Exchange: A Conversation with Our Members. Our goal for the Member Exchange was to get your thoughts on our work in 2019, start a conversation on what you’d like to see moving forward, and evaluate the way we’re leading the sector. We received …

Celebrating the engines of the charitable world

International Volunteer Managers Day (IVMD) is a day to recognize, celebrate, and thank the leaders in our community behind so many volunteer experiences, opportunities and memories. November 5th marked the twentieth year of celebrating International Volunteer Managers Day, and we at the Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations are thrilled to acknowledge the volunteer engagement specialists, …